The results are very positive. I’ve identified who I want to be and what I want to do, in the medium and longer term. I left the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the best possible way and I’m convinced I made the right choice. I feel serene and motivated in my new job.
Valérie Petitpierre, dans l’humanitaire
Valérie Petitpierre, dans l'humanitaire
When I contacted Nancy, I knew that my job at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was going to be cut. I had a lot of questions about what to do next. I had identified some options, but in an unstructured way. I felt the need to weigh up the pros and cons and make an informed decision.
The results are very positive. I’ve identified who I want to be and what I want to do, in the medium and longer term. I’ve left the ICRC in the best possible way and I’m convinced I’ve made the right choice. I feel serene and motivated in my new job.
I appreciated the relevance of Nancy’s questions and advice, her attentiveness and thoroughness, with a good dose of humor to boot! I also liked the very clear and logical way in which the coaching took place, with 8 sessions every 2-3 weeks. These regular intervals helped me a lot.
It’s well worth the effort, both personally and professionally. It’s a long-term investment!
Cet accompagnement m’a aidée à traverser une phase de burn-out intense, à valider ce que je voulais faire et à me fixer des objectifs clairs pour des conditions de travail plus saines et motivantes.
Anonyme, dans l’humanitaire.
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Avant le coaching avec Nancy, je faisais face à un épuisement professionnel qui me laissait démoralisée, confuse et incapable d’avancer et de prendre des décisions. Je cherchais à clarifier quelle voie suivre pour cette importante transition professionnelle. J’avais besoin de me fixer des objectifs réalisables, de me ménager du temps, de l’espace pour moi, et de trouver ma voie vers une vie plus saine et plus équilibrée. Grâce à ce programme, j’ai pu cristalliser et valider ce que je voulais faire et me fixer des lignes et des objectifs clairs pour des conditions de travail plus saines et motivantes.
J’ai également pu réaffirmer le genre de vie que je veux pour moi, le genre de personne que je veux être, et déterminer comment y parvenir. L’accompagnement structuré, flexible et bienveillant de Nancy m’a aidé à renforcer ma confiance en moi, à voir la lumière au bout du tunnel et à injecter la positivité dont j’avais tant besoin dans ma réflexion.
Nancy a une approche très empathique, sans jugement et douce. Elle est capable d’être à la fois très honnête et très gentille dans ses commentaires. Sa méthode axée sur les forces est un outil très puissant qui m’a permis de trouver un centre de gravité solide pour me concentrer sur chaque action.
Nancy a été la meilleure chose qui pouvait m’arriver pendant cette période de vie très difficile et je lui dois de m’avoir aidé à traverser une phase de burnout intense, à être capable d’utiliser mon temps de manière productive et à identifier les moyens de surmonter les obstacles. Mon partenaire a également fait remarquer que j’étais, depuis, une personne différente.
Sans ce coaching, je serais probablement encore en train de tourner en rond dans ma tête et de ne pas faire de progrès concrets. Je me sens beaucoup plus positive, confiante et tournée vers l’avenir qu’avant ce programme, ce dont j’avais vraiment besoin.
K.O., humanitarian worker & accompanying spouse
K.O., humanitarian worker & accompanying spouse
Avant de commencer ce programme de coaching avec Nancy, je me sentais perdue quant à l’orientation de ma carrière.
Mon parcours professionnel a été hybride, j’ai été à la fois travailleur humanitaire et conjointe expatriée accompagnante. Bien que j’aie accumulé des expériences professionnelles assez diverses au fil du temps, je n’étais pas sûre de mes points forts et je manquais d’assurance pour me présenter de manière professionnelle et efficace. Je voulais mieux exprimer qui j’étais et m’aider à décider et à planifier la voie à suivre avec un état d’esprit positif.
Ce programme de coaching a abordé tous les aspects sur lesquels je souhaitais travailler. Cette période a été marquée par de nombreux événements dans ma vie, avec des hauts et des bas : le fait d’avoir Nancy à qui parler pendant les bons et les mauvais moments m’a aidé à me recentrer. J’ai l’impression que mon niveau de confiance s’est amélioré au fil du temps, car les sessions de coaching m’ont aidée à “découvrir” mes points forts et je suis maintenant capable de les exprimer.
J’ai vraiment apprécié de bénéficier d’un environnement chaleureux et d’avoir quelqu’un qui m’aide à explorer des choses, autrement très difficiles à faire par moi-même. Son point de vue correspondait au mien, ce qui a également facilité les discussions, étant donné que Nancy a travaillé dans divers contextes, qu’elle est une professionnelle et une mère. Sans ce coaching, je serais probablement encore en train de tourner en rond dans ma tête et de ne pas faire de progrès concrets.
The main strengths of this coaching program?
- It’s tailored for your needs, and you get insights for different situations.
- J’ai trouvé que le contenu et les sujets étaient très diversifiés et approfondis, et qu’ils ne se concentraient pas uniquement sur la carrière et les parcours professionnels, mais qu’ils s’intéressaient également aux forces de caractère, aux valeurs, à ce que l’on aime, etc.
- C’est pragmatique et orienté vers l’action.
- The resources provided were all practical as well and easy reading.
Nancy is warm, approachable, and really pleasant to speak with.
J’aimerais recommander ce programme si vous êtes à la croisée des chemins dans votre carrière ou si vous vous sentez un peu insécure ou incertain quant à votre cheminement de carrière (et à vous-même en général). J’aimerais également dire à quel point il est agréable de parler avec Nancy, et qu’elle est très compréhensive, d’un grand soutien, et qu’elle sait vraiment écouter. Sa flexibilité et son approche personnalisée sont également excellentes.
Merci beaucoup d’avoir été là tout au long de ce parcours. Ta présence (virtuelle), même en dehors des séances, a été très appréciée. Je me sens beaucoup plus positive, confiante et tournée vers l’avenir qu’avant ce programme de coaching, ce dont j’avais vraiment besoin.
Je suis aujourd’hui beaucoup plus centrée, au clair par rapport à ce que je suis et ce que je veux. J’ai aussi plus d’énergie et davantage confiance dans ma capacité à aller de l’avant sans m’épuiser. Cette clarté et cette énergie canalisée ont permis que certaines portes s’ouvrent au niveau professionnel.
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
When I started this coaching, I was in burnout and had just been made redundant from the ICRC, reflecting on what to do next professionally, in balance with my personal life.
Je suis aujourd’hui beaucoup plus centrée, au clair par rapport à ce que je suis et ce que je veux. J’ai aussi plus d’énergie et davantage confiance dans ma capacité à aller de l’avant sans m’épuiser. Cette clarté́ et cette énergie canalisée ont permis que certaines portes s’ouvrent au niveau professionnel.
The 3 strong points of your program:
- Your sympathetic listening and your perspective (which pushes thinking forward).
- The mix of online modules and exercises and the bilateral sessions.
- Le fait que tu connaisses bien le monde humanitaire et, en même temps, que tu aies transité par d’autres “mondes” (je trouve que ça apporte une grande ouverture).
Je suis très satisfaite de ton accompagnement et du chemin qu’il m’a permis de parcourir en quelques mois. A ceux qui hésitent, je dirais qu’ils ne le regretteront pas, car ton accompagnement est personnalisé, tout en finesse et bienveillance.
J’ai l’impression d’avoir changé, d’être capable non seulement de définir mes priorités, mais aussi de les articuler. Je me sens plus heureuse et confiante.
2nd coaching in 2024.
Reshma Adatia, dans l’humanitaire
Reshma Adatia, humanitarian worker
J’étais en train de quitter un emploi de longue durée et j’essayais de savoir où je devais aller. J’ai choisi de travailler avec Nancy parce que j’avais déjà travaillé avec elle auparavant (il y a 7 ans en 2017). Je me sens en affinité avec son style de coaching et j’apprécie nos séances ensemble.
Pour moi, la principale valeur de ce coaching a été de me rappeler que je peux me permettre de faire l’inattendu et que si vous vous engagez, vous ne cesserez jamais d’apprendre et de vous développer. Les points forts de ce processus de coaching ont été la flexibilité, l’adaptabilité et la créativité ! Chaque fois que j’ai eu besoin de quelque chose de différent ou que j’ai voulu faire quelque chose d’une autre manière (ou pas du tout !), Nancy m’a soutenue. Elle m’a vraiment donné l’impression de cocréer ce processus, ce qui me rend immensément reconnaissante.
Aujourd’hui, je suis motivée et enthousiaste, et je ne suis pas angoissée par la suite. Je crois davantage en moi que lorsque nous avons commencé à travailler ensemble. J’ai réalisé que me concentrer sur ma santé physique était le meilleur moyen de retrouver confiance en moi et j’ai fini par me concentrer sur le physique, laissant le mental suivre, ce qui est exactement le contraire de la façon dont j’ai fait les choses l’année dernière. J’ai un CV dont je suis fière, et j’ai utilisé une grande partie du langage de notre engagement de coaching dans les entretiens, les lettres de motivation, les discussions sur les réseaux. J’ai travaillé sur ma vision et ma cartographie de moi, et je suis très fière d’avoir établi une feuille de route qui est flexible, mais ciblée.
Merci Nancy ! J’ai l’impression d’avoir changé, d’être capable non seulement de définir mes priorités, mais aussi de les articuler. Je me sens plus heureuse et plus confiante.
This session enabled me to get out of my incessant questioning and into action.
Anonyme dans l’humanitaire
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Avant cette séance, j’étais confronté à un grand dilemme. Lorsque j’en parlais à mes proches, ils me donnaient des conseils, mais ne comprenaient pas forcément ce qui était réellement en jeu dans ma vie d’humanitaire sur le terrain. Grâce aux questions de Nancy, j’ai pu formuler mes besoins et identifier des actions concrètes pour m’aider à faire un choix éclairé. J’ai également clarifié ma façon de le communiquer avec mon environnement professionnel et personnel. Cette session m’a permis de sortir de mes questionnements incessants et de passer à l’action.
I’ve defined the type of work I’d like to do, identified my strengths and skills and how to make the most of them. I’ve redone my CV and updated my application tools. I now have an action plan and more self-confidence! I don’t hesitate to apply for positions of responsibility (which I wouldn’t have done before the coaching).
Isabelle, humanitarian worker
Isabelle, dans l'humanitaire
After years in the field as a humanitarian (and also a few years as an accompanying spouse), currently posted in Africa with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), I wanted to take stock and prepare my return to Switzerland.
I wanted to define my priorities and interests in order to orientate my professional search, and also to identify my strengths and skills, know how to promote them to future employers, and have a plan to implement for my job search. What’s more, I wanted to find a satisfactory personal vs. professional balance.
What drew me to work with Nancy was her social intelligence, her positivism and her approach to situations. She’s available and responsive to requests. Her support is benevolent, but not self-indulgent.
Thanks to the this coaching program, I’ve defined the type of work I’d like to do, identified my strengths and skills and how to make the most of them. I’ve redone my CV and updated my application tools. I now have an action plan and more self-confidence! I don’t hesitate to apply for positions of responsibility (which I wouldn’t have done before the coaching). The coaching also triggered a change in my lifestyle and a weight loss.
What has changed for me is that I feel calmer. I know where I’m going and I’m more in control. I have a plan and a vision. I’ve also understood the importance of not dissociating my private life from my professional life and of considering my future as a whole, leaving the necessary space for both aspects.
This coaching pushed me into action and helped me get out of my zone of doubts. I’ve gained an enormous amount of self-confidence and a better understanding of what’s important to me. I’ve landed a job that makes sense and where I can use my strengths.
Anne-Sophie, Expatriate Spouse
Anne-Sophie, Expatriate Spouse
Before I started working with Nancy, I’d been an expatriate spouse for 3 years accompanying my husband abroad. I was very apprehensive about our return to France, which involved a job search. I needed to regain my self-confidence, define a professional goal, clarify what I liked and what I wanted to do.
This support pushed me into action and helped me get out of my zone of doubts and uncertainties. I now know what my internal blockages are and how to overcome them. I’ve changed my mindset, and my beliefs. I’ve rediscovered who I am, with my strengths, weaknesses, and past experiences, in a positive way. I’ve gained an enormous amount of self-confidence and a better understanding of what’s important to me. All in all, this coaching has enabled me to take stock of who I am and where I want to go. For me, the greatest transformation is that today, I know how to offer myself kindness and gratitude and accept myself as I am, with all my imperfections. I trust myself and move forward with much greater serenity and desire to act.
Back in France, I began my job search with a clearer vision of the field in which I wanted to work. After 3 months of prospecting, I landed a job that is meaningful to me and where I can use my strengths.
Nancy was able to establish a relationship of trust right from our first contact. I immediately felt at ease in what was a difficult process for me. Nancy is a caring and smiling person. Without any hesitation, I’d make the same choice again! This coaching is a beautiful inner journey that I’ll never regret treating myself to. Many thanks to Nancy!
Today, I have a clear vision and a plan of action. I’m more self-aware, knowing my strengths and weaknesses and not letting personal fears get in my way. I’m also more confident about the future. It was a rewarding transformative personalized process.
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
When I contacted Nancy, I wanted to understand what drives me and based on that what should my next career steps and life choices be. It was a rewarding journey and I feel empowered.
The main value of this experience was to be listen to and receive refreshing, eye-opening feedback to exit the circle of thoughts and activities that were not beneficial or enabling progress.
Today, I have a clear vision and a plan of action. I’m more self-aware, knowing my strengths and weaknesses and not letting personal fears get in my way. I’m also more confident about the future.
I liked Nancy’s ability to contrast and review the “before and after”, throughout the process, month after month.
I particularly appreciated her constant push to clarify thoughts and define ideas, through evidence-based exercises while legitimising them further through follow-up conversations during our coaching sessions.
Nancy is attentive and a personalized listener, offering a space conductive for innovative thinking about self and one’s future steps. It was a rewarding transformative personalized process, especially beneficial for global health and humanitarian career paths.
Today, I’m calm and intentional about my decisions, making sure that everything is in line with who I really am, deep down!
Amanda Banda, humanitarian worker
Amanda Banda, dans l'humanitaire
When I started working with Nancy, I had no idea what my strengths, values, abilities, and skills were, or how to use them to design the career I wanted. Everything was random and unplanned. I was very frustrated that I kept coming up against the same walls. I needed to clarify what I had to offer, my career options and job opportunities. Today, everything is clear to me, and I have a plan that I can continually work on, revise and update. I really appreciated the clarity Nancy brought to my thoughts and fears. I found particularly useful the combination of time outside the sessions to reflect independently thanks to the incredible exercises and resources; and time during the sessions to deepen these reflections with Nancy. Today, I’m intentional about my decisions, making sure that everything is in line with who I really am deep down. Working with Nancy is the best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you for these eye-opening resources, information, and knowledge.
I’m more focused in my job search. I make sure it’s really what I want. I’ve realized that the experience I’ve gained in my current humanitarian organization is valuable, and how to translate it for an employer.
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Before starting with Nancy, I was looking for a methodology that could guide me in my reflections, in a logical and organized way. I thought I’d only be working on professional goals, but in the end I also identified goals related to other areas of my life (sport, relationship, family). I’m happy to have integrated them too!
Today, I have much clearer ideas about what I want. I’m more focused in my job search. I’m making sure it’s really what I want. I’ve been able to make the serene decision to leave my current job and look for other opportunities elsewhere. I feel better equipped to continue my reflection and take action. I’ve become more aware of my skills, values, qualities and strengths, and of the fact that I have a lot to offer. I’ve realized that the experience I’ve gained in my current humanitarian organization is valuable, and how to translate it for another employer.
The great added value of working with Nancy was that I was guided by someone competent and professional, who showed me the way forward for my reflection, without taking up too much space, letting me think and find the answers myself. I really appreciated the coaching methodology, the material provided for reflection (with references to specialists in various fields), Nancy’s professionalism (you really know how to do your job!) and her ability to let me talk and listen actively! I felt listened to and guided!
I’ve managed to redefine my 13 years as an expatriate spouse in a positive way, and no longer as a big gap in my CV with no professional experience.
Lydie Cohuet, Expatriate Spouse
Lydie Cohuet, Expatriate Spouse
After 13 years as an expatriate spouse, I wanted to give my life and career a new direction. With this coaching, my aim was to regain my self-confidence and clarify who I was so I could reconnect with the professional world. You were able to adapt to my needs as the sessions progressed, addressing the themes I needed to move forward and achieve my goals. Your way of explaining things, your working method and your flexibility enabled me to achieve excellent results; while during my coaching, I went through an unexpected tsunami in my personal life. Our work together helped me enormously to take a step back, regain my self-confidence, relearn to speak positively about myself, refocus and feel ready to take the first step, to open doors, be more confident in decision-making and in my job search.
Nancy, you have a real gift for feeling things out and providing support with kindness, professionalism, and efficiency. And in my situation, that helped me a lot. I’ve been able to reclaim my strengths, my qualities, my values…rediscover who I am after 13 years of thinking about others and not enough about myself. Today, I see myself differently! I’ve managed to redefine my 13 years of expatriation in a positive way, and no longer as a big gap in my CV with no professional experience.
To those who are hesitating, I’d like to say: Go for it, you won’t regret it!
I now approach the selection process for my job applications with much more optimism and confidence!
Monica Garcia, humanitarian worker
Monica Garcia, humanitarian worker
Before working with Nancy, I wasn’t aware of my professional strengths and skills, or how I could project myself personally and professionally over the next 1, 5 and 10 years. In addition, my natural humility and cautiousness created a deep frustration within me that I couldn’t overcome, when considering my professional career. Through a series of reflective exercises and coaching sessions, Nancy guided me through a thorough process of introspection, always asking the right questions and ending conversations with a clear outcome. I particularly appreciated Nancy’s optimism, her ability to provoke thought and to move from the most general to the most specific questions. This coaching changed my perception of my professional career and enabled me to take stock of all my experiences, as well as my skills and strengths. I’ve become proud of my career path, the challenges I’ve taken on, my cross-functional experiences and my ability to adapt to different career opportunities and work environments. I now approach the selection process for my job applications with much more optimism and confidence.
The results are beyond what I had hoped for: I’ve found my path, I know what I want to do and how to do it, without fear of judgement and without having to worry about it!
Aline Mazuel, Expatriate Spouse
Aline Mazuel, Expatriate Spouse
Before I started working with Nancy, I felt lost. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with myself, I didn’t know who I was outside of my roles as a mom and wife, and I lacked self-confidence. My goal was to understand what I wanted for myself, to know who I was and to regain my self-confidence. The results are beyond what I had hoped for: I’ve found my path, I know what I want to do and how to do it, without fear of judgement and without getting into my head! I’ve regained my self-confidence; I know how to manage my anxieties and I know where my strengths lie. What I particularly appreciated about Nancy was her availability, her willingness to listen, her questions that were always well put… and Nancy as a person! I really enjoyed the exercises, which got me thinking in a different way. To anyone hesitating to work with Nancy, I’d say don’t hesitate, it’s worth it to work on yourself, and especially for yourself!
I was feeling very low energy and very stuck on what to do moving forward in terms of my humanitarian work and lifestyle. It helped me gain perspective and feel more positive. Now, I feel much more conscious of my options.
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
I was feeling very low energy and very stuck on what to do moving forward in terms of my humanitarian work and lifestyle. I was looking for some support that could help me organize my thoughts and move forward, with someone who has a good understanding of what it means to be a field humanitarian worker and who has experience in coaching people in my situation.
The first thing that really helped my emotional state was to think of things I’m grateful for. I’m usually not a negative or pessimistic person, but I felt so low energy and so stuck that I had lost a bit track of the positive things in life. It helped me to gain perspective and feel more positive.
The reflection about my strengths and values (also on how they could apply to a next work-phase) was very helpful. It was also useful to be asked concrete questions to help me organize my thoughts and to discuss them.
Now, I feel less stuck and much more conscious of my options.
I think the combination of videos, written documents and exercises is quite interesting in preparation for each session. And I felt Nancy had a supportive attitude and gave relevant feedback.
I’m thankful for this coaching experience. If someone is feeling stuck, like I was, and is looking for support, the coaching with Nancy is quite helpful and interesting with the questions it poses and the aspects it helps us to investigate and better understand. I recommend it!
I have much more enthusiasm, resilience, and a much better understanding of what’s important to me moving forward!
Tanya Wood, humanitarian worker
Tanya Wood, humanitarian worker
Nancy coached me through a period of great uncertainty and change. I was wondering about different paths to take, both personal and professional. Nancy’s coaching provided me with excellent tools to critically help me consider these different options with greater understanding and clarity. I found the way she gently but firmly ensured that I was committed to myself and my goals extremely helpful, and it helped me increase my self-confidence. I also appreciated her understanding of the expatriate and humanitarian world. She understood the different challenges, related to the environment and change, that these careers entail. Thanks to the coaching sessions with Nancy, I’m much more enthusiastic, resilient, and aware of what’s important for me to move forward. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to recommend Nancy.
It was a magical moment when I discovered my dream job. Today, I’m motivated to move forward this direction… which has never happened to me before!
Élodie Texier, Working Expatriate
Élodie Texier, Working Expatriate
When I contacted Nancy, my aim was to regain serenity in my day-to-day life and identify what I wanted to do professionally in the medium and long term. The in-depth work on my time management enabled me to understand how to take a little time to gain a lot! It was also a magical moment when I discovered my dream job! Today, I’m motivated to move forward that direction… something I’ve never done before! I particularly appreciated the opportunity to identify my strengths; to take into account goals that emerge along the way; and the real and constructive exchange. Thank you Nancy! Today, I have gained in serenity and clarity. This experience has changed my personal life by enabling me to better balance my professional and personal time. This coaching will also undoubtedly change my professional life: I’m much more serene and motivated to reach my goals, which I’ve finally clarified and defined! Don’t hesitate to work with Nancy: you’ll discover what you’re capable of, gently, efficiently and with good surprises.
I’m more confident, I accept myself better and I’m much more ambitious personally and professionally than I’ve ever been!
1st coaching in 2017.
Reshma Adatia, humanitarian worker
Reshma Adatia, humanitarian worker
While Nancy was my coach, I experienced the most incredible journey of discovery and awareness, allowing me to truly understand the number of changes that had been occupying a significant part of my life in recent months. Nancy helped me identifying not only my professional skills and goals, but also to align my understanding of my personal passions and values with my professional ambitions. I’m more confident, more accepting of myself and far more ambitious personally and professionally than I’ve ever been. I know it’s because I’ve had Nancy by my side to support and guide me these past few months. I now have tools that I can continue to apply on my own as I move forward professionally and personally. Nancy was extremely flexible in our coaching relationship, allowing me to go at my own pace and explore my own creativity throughout the process. I always looked forward to our sessions, knowing that I’d have a coach who listened, challenged me, with whom to explore and… share a few laughs. I highly recommend Nancy and encourage any professional, especially in the humanitarian sector, to work with her to successfully manage the personal and/or professional changes they are facing.
I’ve started to change about myself and feel completely ready and serene for my return to my home country, equipped with tools and a clear vision of what I want to be!
Sophie Panthou, Expatriate Spouse
Sophie Panthou, Expatriate Spouse
When I contacted Nancy, I wanted to prepare for my return to my home country after 3 years abroad. I was unsure of how to behave, especially with my family. I wanted to take stock of the situation so as to be ready and able to support these changes in the best possible way. The results were beyond my expectations! I was able to question a lot of things, especially my attitude to change and family management. I’ve initiated a change in myself and feel completely ready and serene for this return, equipped with tools and a clear vision of what I want to be! This work has enabled me to better define who I am and what I want in my life. To those who are reluctant to work with Nancy, I say: Go for it! It’s bound to help you move forward in your life and discover more about yourself!
Working with Nancy helped me to normalize my doubts, my questionings, and my desire for transition. Today, I have many tools in my hands. I certainly know myself better, and that’s one of the greatest added values of this program. I also have a concrete direction to follow.
Lucia, humanitarian worker
Lucia, dans l'humanitaire
Before working with Nancy, I felt that on my own I would never have been able to recognize and understand a transition: what it means, how it works, what might be the missing piece to take action. I wanted to find out what I wanted and could do professionally (in addition to what I was currently doing). I needed someone to accompany me in this process of discovery and help me identify concrete options.
Working with Nancy helped me normalize my doubts, questionings, and desire for transition. Today, I have many tools in my hands. I certainly know myself better, and that’s one of the greatest added values of this program. I also have a concrete direction to follow.
Nancy is resourceful, experienced, and totally reliable. She understands my desires, my needs, and my humanitarian path. She’s there for you, and she’ll make sure this coaching is tailored to YOUR needs and desires.
This coaching was the springboard I needed.
Claire Fortel, Expatriate Spouse
Claire Fortel, Expatriate Spouse
After several years as an unemployed expatriate spouse, currently with school-age children, I wanted to find a new professional activity. Nancy was the perfect partner for me. Thanks to an effective methodological approach, a sympathetic listening ear and pertinent questioning, she helped me gain self-confidence, clarify, and define my professional project. Today, I’m ready to apply for a job (with all the tools in my pocket). This coaching was a great opportunity for me and the springboard I needed.
I made the inner journey I needed to unblock my life and make the decisions I needed to redirect it. I discovered myself to be resourceful and stronger than I thought.
Sandrine Girard, humanitarian worker
Sandrine Girard, humanitarian worker
When I contacted Nancy, I knew that my life, as it was, no longer corresponded to what I wanted, but I didn’t really know what I wanted, apart from “going home and changing my life”. I needed help to clear my head, to understand who I was, with my strengths and weaknesses. I also needed something or someone to push me forward. On my own, I wouldn’t have had the courage. Thanks to this coaching experience, I made the inner journey I needed to unblock my life and make the decisions I needed to redirect it. I discovered myself to be full of resources and stronger than I thought. Today, I dare to assert what I want professionally. Nancy’s approach is both emphatic and pragmatic. For example, at no time did she tell me that what I was dreaming of was unattainable; she let me discover for myself, helping me to determine a strategy and actions. She accompanied me with great generosity, gentleness, and humor! It’s so good to talk to someone who always has a big smile on her face, who’s full of energy, who’s had an extraordinary life journey, who’s there just for you, without judgment, who only wants one thing: your good! A very very very big thank you to you Nancy, for your professionalism, your support, and your presence. Doing this coaching with you has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in recent months.
Today, I have a clear long-term vision, numerous tools to use on a daily basis to improve my emotional and social intelligence, and increased assertiveness in my communication.
Matthieu, humanitarian worker
Matthieu, humanitarian worker
When I started working with Nancy, I was in a turmoil between wanting to change jobs and training as a coach. I was unsettled and lacked perspective. My expectations for this support were twofold: on the one hand, to find the resources and tools I needed to get out of my emotional state, react and start a transition process; and on the other, to experience a coaching process from the inside, so as to gain an informed understanding of my own coaching training and discover a coaching style. Today, I have a clear long-term vision, numerous tools to use on a daily basis to improve my emotional and social intelligence, increased assertiveness in my communication, a methodology for taking small steps forward without letting my thoughts overwhelm me, and I’ve discovered a coaching approach with its own methodology and style. Without a doubt, I also have a better understanding of myself. I particularly appreciated your structured approach, the quality of your gentle yet challenging support, and your guidance in moving towards concrete, measurable goals. To those who are hesitant to work with you, I’d tell them to jump in with their eyes closed, because you’ll catch them gently so they can bounce back even further on their own!
I came away with a much clearer vision of my project, my priorities, and the means to make it a reality, so I can keep moving forward on my own!
Marie C., Working Expatriate
Marie C., Working Expatriate
When I contacted Nancy, I felt completely locked in and suffocated, yet I wanted to develop a project. I needed someone from the outside to take an objective look at my situation. Today, I finally have confidence in my project and have taken the first steps to make it a reality. It’s the questions I’ve been asked, and the tools I’ve been given, that have enabled me to move forward. Nancy uses a whole host of techniques that enable us to move forward much more quickly and efficiently than we had imagined. It was a great experience that gave me more than I thought. I came away with a much clearer vision of my project, my priorities, and the means to make it a reality and keep moving forward on my own. I particularly appreciated Nancy’s availability and her ability to adapt to my profile. I’d highly recommend Nancy, who is very friendly and a good listener. Thank you, Nancy!
This coaching allowed me to take on challenges. I have grown!
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
When I contacted Nancy, I was settled into a routine that was weighing on me, and I was just embarking on two huge changes: my first expatriation and a new job. I wanted Nancy to help me make the right decisions and prepare for the changes. I felt the need for guidance during this period of newness. Right from the start, I had a good contact and feeling. Nancy is caring and a good listener. My first mission abroad went really well. I went to Ukraine, where I was able to cope with the workload, the new culture, and the novelties of my job. I dare say I’m proud of myself! The coaching made me aware of a lot of things, and I was able to rise to the challenges. I’ve grown up. What helped me the most was the fact of talking to someone who listens to me, who is there for me, asks me questions and gives me very good advice, encourages me, congratulates me, and helps me see the positive things I’ve managed to do. This coaching is a great opportunity to take on challenges! Give yourself this chance to feel good and to progress!
I became aware of what was blocking me and was able to open a new chapter and move positively towards new projects.
Emilie Proust, Expatriate Spouse
Emilie Proust, Expatriate Spouse
I was lost in my desires and my projects, I had the impression that I was thinking a lot but not making any progress, and I needed an outside, professional view of my situation. So, I turned to Nancy Bonamy's Impulsion session, and I don't regret it! In a short space of time, thanks to her effective questioning and her knowledge of the psychological stages you go through when you're going through a process of change, I became aware of what was blocking me, and I was able to turn over a new leaf and move forward in a positive way towards new projects. Her attentiveness, kindness, rigor and gentleness enabled me to move into the future without any obstacles. I can only recommend Nancy's professional coaching services, which will help you find the resources you need to move forward more effectively on your own. The single coaching session is a great option!
This experience has been incredibly meaningful for me, helping me to bring closure to a lot of things and giving me a vision towards which to move forward.
Zabin Jadavj, humanitarian worker
Zabin Jadavj, humanitarian worker
When I contacted Nancy, I was going through a major transition, having just sold my business and unsure of what I wanted to do next. I wanted to take the time to explore who I am and my values; before making a decision on how to move forward. Thanks to this coaching experience, I feel I have a better understanding of who I am and not only am I aware of what I’m good at – this process has also helped me recognize my strengths and weaknesses; understand what’s important to me and know what I want in the long term. I think deep down I’ve always known; but the coaching sessions helped me to accept/acknowledge what I want. What was particularly helpful was that Nancy never let me come away with answers that remained ‘on the surface’. I think everyone should work with a coach at least once. It brought a lot of clarity and allowed me to think out loud, in a safe, non-judgmental environment. All I can say is that this experience has been incredibly meaningful for me, helping me to bring closure to a lot of things and giving me a vision to move towards.
Nancy helped me identify my skills, my goals and define a clear and strategic action plan. Her holistic approach is a plus for those who want to successfully manage all aspects of their transitions.
Fabien Dubuet, humanitarian worker
Fabien Dubuet, humanitarian worker
Nancy helped me to identify my skills and goals, as I looked for new professional opportunities. This was a very important and challenging transition for me. Nancy really helped me define a clear and strategic action plan. She herself has experienced many personal and professional transitions as an expatriate: this first-hand knowledge and deep understanding of change make her a talented, solid, and intuitive coach. Her holistic approach is a plus for those who want to successfully manage all aspects of their personal and professional transitions and development. Nancy has excellent listening skills and strong integrity. She is both empathetic and honest with her clients.
Nancy helped me a lot when I was in the process of leaving my previous job and making plans for a life as an independent.
Koos de Korte, Expatriate Spouse
Koos de Korte, Expatriate Spouse
Nancy helped me a lot when I was in the process of leaving my previous job and making plans for a life as a freelancer. She is an excellent coach with wonderful communication skills. She managed to put me at ease while asking me sometimes difficult questions. I’m impressed by the way she blends her skills and professionalism with a friendly, easy-going approach.
Nancy helped me define my vision and create a concrete, step-by-step action plan to achieve my goals.
Rihana Azam, Working Expatriate
Rihana Azam, Working Expatriate
Nancy’s empathy, great listening skills, insightful questions and professionalism helped me define my vision and create a concrete, step-by-step action plan to help me achieve my goals. Every session I’ve had with Nancy has been a real pleasure and I’ve always ended with an invaluable understanding of how I can move forward as quickly and efficiently as possible. I highly recommend Nancy as your next coach: she’s someone to have around!
Today, I’ve clarified my goals…I’ve understood that I have resources within me that I can mobilize to initiate change!
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Anonymous, humanitarian worker
Before the coaching, I was in a stable job with the impression that I was stagnating. I was having trouble getting into action and getting out of procrastination. I needed more in-depth support than the skills assessment I’d done previously. Today, I’ve clarified my goals, I’ve understood that I need to look for diversity in my tasks and what kind of work environment suits me. I feel more positive, I’ve changed my attitude and my state of mind… all this lets me know that it’s possible! I’ve understood that I have resources within me that I can mobilize to initiate change, and that to move forward I need to set myself goals, break them down, stick to them and embody them, while being kind to myself. I found the work on my mindset, the tools for good communication and the individual sessions with Nancy particularly useful.
A special testimonial from the husband of one of my clients! – “I’ve seen my wife transformed. She has found her answers and is looking to the future with serenity.”
Laurent, husband of one of my expatriate spouse clients.
Laurent, husband of one of my expatriate spouse clients.
Approaching 40, after spending half her life working tirelessly, and the other half at home looking after the children, my wife found herself in a major existential crisis.
Go back to work? Stay home with the kids? And what kind of job, after moving to the USA and working in a profession that no longer existed, with no recognized qualifications anyway?
It was in this totally unclear context that my wife started working with Nancy.
I appreciated her ability to go back to basics and rediscover herself. Who am I, after all? And how can I know what to do if I don’t know who I am? I could see from the exercises that Nancy’s approach is open-ended: she doesn’t give answers, she guides us to ask ourselves the right questions. The answer seems so simple once we know what the questions are…
At the end of their journey together, I’ve seen my wife transformed. More self-confident, realizing who she really was “for herself” and not “through the eyes of others”. She was less afraid of assuming her own desires. Finding peace of mind. I see nothing but positive changes, and my wife is more fulfilled than ever. She’s found her answer and is looking to the future with serenity.
Thank you, Nancy!
I regained my self-confidence in all areas of my life and found the motivation I needed to achieve my personal and professional goals.
Céline R., Self-employed
Céline R., Self-employed
When I started working with Nancy, I was lost and discouraged, with no confidence in myself either personally or professionally. Her coaching helped me to see more clearly what I was capable of and what I wanted to achieve in the future. I regained my self-confidence in all areas of my life. I also regained the motivation I needed to achieve my personal and professional goals. Throughout the coaching process, I felt supported, valued, and encouraged. Nancy is a dynamic and motivating person, who was able to adapt to my needs and expectations. A huge THANK YOU for your support, Nancy!
Nancy had an incredible instinct for identifying my blocks and highlighting the patterns that were preventing me from making progress. I was able to realize what I needed to do differently to achieve my desired goals.
Marie Svobodova, Working Expatriate
Marie Svobodova, Working Expatriate
Nancy coached me through the launch of my freelance business. Her coaching helped me enormously in navigating all aspects of starting a business, creating a clear strategy, and clarifying my priorities. Nancy had an incredible instinct for identifying my blocks and highlighting the patterns that were preventing me from making progress. Through structured conversations I was able to realize what I needed to do differently to achieve my desired goals. Nancy has a very good understanding of the challenges expats must manage while living abroad, which helped me so much more. Her support throughout the process is invaluable. I wouldn’t have launched my business so quickly without Nancy’s coaching. I recommend her 100%.
Now I know what I want and what I need!
Julie B., Expatriate Spouse
Julie B., Expatriate Spouse
I started coaching by chance and was a bit skeptical.
I’m 35, with two children aged 7 and 3, and two years ago we left Paris to move to New York. It’s been a tough adjustment, but we’ve managed it so well that when my husband mentioned the possibility of returning to France after just one year, I was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.
- How could I leave this energizing city where my children are thriving?
- What decision should I make?
- How could I be in agreement with my husband?
- How can I re-establish a dialogue with him?
- What’s the best decision for my children?
- How can I live this experience to the full?
Nancy helped me answer all these questions:
- with her calm and gentle manner, she’s put me at ease and enabled me to speak very freely;
- with quick, simple exercises, she helped me ask myself the right questions;
- with her empathy and the way she guided me through my reflections, she then helped me to answer them.
Without any intrusion into your life, without any judgement, Nancy allows you to think things through, to delve deep down into your true desires and needs. She helps you to think your way through, to find what would be best for you to achieve that inner peace. I used to be very skeptical, but I found myself looking forward to my sessions!
Now I know what I want and need. My husband and I made a decision in line with what we wanted, and we don’t regret it at all.
So thank you, Nancy, for showing such humanity, patience and gentleness. I don’t know what I would have done without your help.
Nancy helped me regain my optimism and creativity, as well as re-evaluate my views on myself and my life.
Margot Blom, Student back from expatriation
Margot Blom, Student back from expatriation
I decided to go into coaching with Nancy at a time in my life when I felt I wasn’t really happy, not at my best. I really enjoyed talking to Nancy, and the questions she asked helped me to clarify a lot of issues. Nancy helped me to rediscover my optimism and creativity, and to re-evaluate my views on myself and my life.
Nancy’s program is intelligent and tailored to your needs. She’s very creative and will use your best potential to boost your hard drive!
Zoé Fisher, Working Expatriate
Zoé Fisher, Working Expatriate
I’m a photographer and 10 years ago I became a sales director, specializing in children. When I started working with Nancy, I really appreciated her beautiful energy and compassion for others. Yet, I must admit, I was skeptical. I was lost and confused about where to go, what to do and how to reinvent myself. Six months later, I’ve clarified my goals and I’m exactly where I want to be. I’ve started writing a film script and managed to re-boost my creativity as a photographer. I’m happy and proud of what I’ve accomplished. Nancy’s program is intelligent and tailored to your needs. She’s very creative and will use your best potential to boost your hard drive!
Ce coaching m’a donné confiance et clarté dans les objectifs à atteindre et m’a aussi aidé à verbaliser ce que je souhaite. Le point fort de ce programme, c’est Nancy, comme coach et personne, bienveillante, patiente, aidante pour avancer quoiqu’on dise ou fasse.
Anonyme, dans l’humanitaire.
Anonymous, in the humanitarian sector
Quand j’ai commencé à travailler avec Nancy j’avais beaucoup de questions et une certitude qu’il fallait bouger, mais sans trop savoir comment ! J’ai beaucoup aimé les premiers modules qui m’ont fait me poser des questions sur moi, qui je suis, me reconnecter avec moi-même. Ces exercices combinés avec nos séances m’ont permis d’affirmer qui je suis et ce que je veux. Ce coaching m’a donné confiance et clarté dans les objectifs à atteindre et m’a aussi aidé à verbaliser ce que je souhaite. Dans les moments de doutes, les séances étaient très importantes pour moi, ça me reboostait et me guidait. Le point fort de ce programme de coaching, c’est Nancy, comme coach et personne, bienveillante, patiente, aidante pour avancer quoiqu’on dise ou fasse. Et aussi les modules et les exercices. Ce programme est super intéressant et pousse à une réflexion de fond et même si tu n’as pas toutes les réponses, tu en as beaucoup, ainsi que des outils pour continuer à te poser les bonnes questions !