Oser une transition professionnelle en tant qu’expatriée ou humanitaire de plus de 40 ou 50 ans ?

Je te parle ici de mon expérience au contact de mes clientes expatriées et humanitaires. J’y mentionne aussi 4 ingrédients qui selon moi ont un réel impact pour réussir sa transition professionnelle à plus de 40 ou 50  ans. 

LEARN ABOUT IT IN THIS VIDEO! (if you rather watch it on Youtube, it’s through here).
Automatic english translation is available on youtube 

IF YOU PREFER READING, it's this way.

Today, I’m going to tackle the widespread idea that after the age of 40 or 50, we are no longer attractive for the job market, and that it’s therefore difficult to consider a professional transition at these ages.

Perhaps you’re an expatriate spouse or a humanitarian in your 40s or 50s and feel the need for a professional change, but you are not at all reassured by the idea of making such a shift at your age? And yet, you don’t see yourself staying in your current professional situation for more than 10 or even 15 years! Does that speak to you?

Are you wondering whether you can still hope to get back on your feet professionally, even at your age?

It’s a legitimate question that is often raised by my clients in discovery sessions, during coaching sessions, or even recently in an email exchange following my latest newsletter. It’s a concern shared by many expatriate and humanitarian women.

C’est vrai que la presse ou la société en général relatent très souvent ce genre d’histoires. Nous avons toutes entendu que c’est de la folie, du suicide, de l’ordre de l’impossible d’envisager de changer de travail ou de voie ou d’employeur après 40 ans et plus. Je parie que ce sont des histoires qu’on te racontait déjà alors que tu étais encore enfant ! Ce genre d’histoires circulent et persistent depuis longtemps !

I don’t have any statistics, surveys, or research to share with you. I can, however, tell you about my experience with my expatriate and humanitarian clients: it’s not at all what I see and deal with daily. I’ve observed that age is not an obstacle for the persons I’ve accompanied!

Which leads me to say that it’s more of a myth, a collective belief, a story we tell ourselves or that is told to us. It’s worth remembering that changing jobs, employers and career paths is difficult for everyone…young and old alike! It’s also worth pointing out that, in the eyes of an employer, each age group has its advantages and disadvantages!

Of course, in some industries, age does have an impact, for example, in professional sports and modelling, careers are mostly for young people, while in coaching and mentoring, it’s experience that counts. And yet, in my opinion, that are exceptions, age is not so much a problem, nor a hindrance to relaunching one’s career.

But then, what are the levers for daring to write a new professional chapter after 40 years old?

In my opinion, the difference (between those who make a success of their professional transition after 40 and those who don’t) lies in… PREPARATION.

But how?

 The preparation includes 4 essential ingredients:   

  1. PERSONAL VALUE: A detailed understanding of who they are and what they have to offer.
  2. CLEAR OBJECTIVES: A clear and concrete vision of what they really want, professionally AND personally, in the short, medium, and long term… and a strategy and action plan to get there.
  3. ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION: Clear, assertive, and confident communication about their values, assets, and goals.
  4. STATE OF MIND: A positive, confident, optimistic, and motivated state of mind.

These are the 4 ingredients of the ideal cocktail for a successful career transition.

Thanks to these 4 ingredients, you’ll be able to climb mountains and reach for the stars!

What do you think of all this? Does it make sense to you? Does it resonate with your experience? Don’t hesitate to comment and share your thoughts on this subject.

By the way, if you’re in this situation, if you think these 4 ingredients are key, and if you want to put all the chances on your side for a successful professional transition: contact me for a free, non-binding discovery session, so we can discuss it and see how I might be able to support you in this process.

Would you like to discuss your situation with me? Contact me here.

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Nancy Bonamy accompanies humanitarians, expatriates and accompanying spouses who wish to create positive changes in their professional and personal lives. Nancy also works with humanitarian organizations and international companies wishing to support their employees, and their accompanying spouses, in their professional and personal transitions and development.

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